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Currently, XbotGo supports 10 sports types:
1. Soccer
2. Football
3. Basketball
4. Power Soccer
5. Lacrosse
6. Ice Hockey
7. Tennis
8. Handball
9. Pickleball
10. Broomball
It also features a FollowMe Mode for tracking individual movement and activities. More features will be added in future updates.
1. Mount your iPhone or Android device on the XbotGo gimbal.
2. Place the gimbal on a tripod along the sideline of the sports field.
3. Open the XbotGo App and connect it to the gimbal.
4. Press the recording button and let the system do the rest.
The XbotGo system will automatically:
- Track players
- Follow the game action
- Record the game
- Live stream (if enabled)
Note: For optimal tracking performance, we recommend placing the gimbal near the center line of the field.
Yes, the XbotGo gimbal can also function as a regular handheld stabilizer for everyday use.
Each user receives 20GB of free cloud storage with no monthly fees.
For capturing sports action on smaller fields, like a basketball court or a 5v5 soccer pitch, our portable XbotGo Gimbal T1 Tripod, standing around 4 feet tall, is a perfect choice. It’s easy to fold and unfold, offering quick setup and convenience.
For larger fields, such as 9v9 or 11v11 soccer games, we recommend our 13-foot T4 tripod. It provides enhanced tracking performance and a wider view, ensuring optimal coverage.
Both tripods deliver a great experience. Alternatively, you can use any third-party tripod with a 1/4” screw mount, as it’s compatible with the XbotGo gimbal.
Currently, both iOS and Android versions support up to 30fps.